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Tuesday, March 20, 2018


A Geeks World Tour 2020 defines all games according to a set of consistent guidelines as applied by the GM.  A Geeks World Tour 2020  does not review GM scripts and cannot guarantee that GMs will always conform to the standard they specify, though A Geeks World Tour 2020  does expect this of all GMs. These standards speak to content in the same way that MPAA® movie ratings do, but we do not use the same labels or definitions. We hope these standards will be helpful to adults, children and the parents of children in selecting games players are most likely to enjoy.
(F)  Family: Family games will have no profanity, very little or no sexual innuendo, and violence will be limited. Such violence as there is will be brief, stylized, remote or cartoonish, and never graphic. There are no themes of an intense nature. The game may be simple, but if it is at all complex, the GM will be sure to ease play for children as needed.
(M)  Mainstream: Mainstream games may have moderate, limited use of profanity; limited non-explicit references to sexuality; and may contain violent elements. Graphic violence will be limited but may be present. There may be themes of intense nature, but they will not constitute the primary focus of the game. GMs are expected to use their judgment to adjust their game as they deem sensible if children are present, but children and parents are warned that there may be objectionable moments in games of this category. These games are usually moderately to very complex, and the GM may offer help to children as needed. This is the standard to which most role-playing games are written.
(MT)  Mature Themes: These games may include profanity, references to sexuality, and may contain violent elements. Graphic violence will be limited but may be present. There will be themes of intense nature, which may dominate the game, and role-playing may be so intense that younger players will be confused by the lack of an apparent boundary between character and player. GMs are expected to use their judgment to adjust their game as they deem sensible if children are present, but parents and children are warned that there are likely to be objectionable moments in games in this category, and that children should be comfortable acting in an adult manner in the presence of adults. These games are usually moderately to very complex, and there may be no means to assist children in the play of the game. This is the standard to which many LARPs are written.
(VC)  Very Complex: This category applies only to minis, board games and card games. Games in this category are likely too complex for children under the age of 12 to enjoy, and some older children may also experience difficulty with them. While the GM is expected to offer assistance as necessary, parents and children are advised that such games may be an unsatisfactory experience.
Thank you Dundracon.

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